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 acousmatic works

“a form of electroacoustic music that is specifically composed for presentation using speakers, as opposed to a live performance.” (Wikipedia) in my case mostly Radio- and Installative works


releases on vinyl, CD, CDR and cassettes and in one case a  poem book including via QR codes acousmatic music. Label who released my solo and collaborative works are FMP/all, Creative Source, Coherent States, linear obsessional, Everest Records, Edgetone Records, Noland, syrphe records and more


all form of live appearance, as concerts and festival appearance, mostly using doublebass with or without electronics, since 2015 mobile audio formats (walking concert, radiophonic opera, side specific performing arts)


summarizes filmscores and music videos



includes music theatre pieces (Sounding Situations collective and others), my extentive collaborations with choreographers and dancers (Meg Stuart/damaged goods, Ingo Reulecke, Grapeshade, Louise Wagner, Judith Hummel, Jess Curtis/Gravity, Anna Nowicka,  Thierry Niang, Patrice Chereau, Sabine Glenz, Frank Willens, Anna Konjetzki, July Weber, Britta Pudelko, Hanna Hegenscheid, Jenny Haag, Barbara Berti and many more), and performing art pieces (sounding situations collective, Matthaei & Konsorten, Ruth Geiersberger, Grotest Maru, Companie MAPS,


lists explicit periods of purely research in residencies (Q0-2, Bruxelles, Musrara Art School, Jerusalem, Vila Sul, Salvador, BR, Künstlerhaus Lukas, Arenshoop) as well as grants which are not related to institutions/cities (Bolzano Art Grant – NYC, Berlin, Neustart Kultur – Serra Grande, BR, Berlin)
