echolot at matralab/Concordia University
March, 2016matraresidencies
Residency Project by
K. Janek & M. Kipfmüller
ECHOLOT is a performance installation by Milena Kipfmüller and Klaus Janek which will be presented at the Goethe Institut, Montréal for Nuit Blanche on February 27, 2016.
On March 2, they will present a lecture performance at matralab that investigates ECHOLOT on a deeper level. The questions that they will work on during the lecture performance are:
Do words function as music objects and information carrier for purely music composition?
Does the semantic understanding deviate the audience from the music meaning?
They will try out different possibilities of creating text material as music objects in english and german.
The transformation from the first pure reading of the text, via the overlaying of different loops, adding sounds and recomposing the donated material as musical source is the transformation process that we will follow in the installation. In the lecture they want to analyze in a collective process the mechanism of semantic and musical reception, changing between different understandable and non-understandable languages as well as a abstract sounds source. What kind of meaning is being lost and which kind of understanding is created?