heimatkisten weimar
April, 2009a performance piece created by Britta Pudelko on the theme Heimat. Music composed and live performed by KJ, in Weimar is the 2nd edition of dealing with the german term heimat. The term doesn’t exist in other languages: it stays for a mixture between fatherland, place of birth and childhood and recidency. Britta developes together with the performers their point of view. Every piece is developed with the same method but comes to a different result, because of their past and personal theme.
The music conceptĀ is to create different layers of attention and narration:
one layer creates a music and sound identity of the persons on stage, based on the sonic biografy a next layer is used for comunication between the three onĀ stage. a soundgrounding supports the ongoing process.Mostly the acoustic togetherness opens rooms and spaces.KJ playes the doublebass, uses loops and fieldrecordings and manipulates the soundmaterial. He composes live sung polyphone pieces.