fünf flure – hr swr dlf kultur

Reality in the retirement home: while for the inhabitants there is little lifetime left, the nurses work under timepressure and stress. Caretakers and people in need are sharply clocked, involuntarily and inevitable. Behind alleged banal talks over weather, the wished sandwich topping and the healthy condition, also following appears: the hopelessness of the being in the time, who constantly advances.

“five corridors, one hour” is a perception game. Luise Voigt and her team recorded on may 20th, 2019 between 8 and 9am the atmospheres of 5 nurses at work. The recordings were transcribed, layered and repeated by actors. They play back what happened effectively. Recorded in one take, the way of production requested from the operating involved artists, what the real situation determines: to let sink in oneself consecutively, having a limited interim time.

Fünf Flure, eine Stunde
Radioplay in one take
from Luise Voigt
directed by the author
with Lisa Charlotte Friederich, Philippe Ledun, Nele Niemeyer, Pirmin Sedlmeir, Anna Sonnenschein
music and sound effects: [SNDNG STTNS] Milena Kipfmüller and Klaus Janek
sound engineering: Thomas Rombach
production: HR/SWR/Deutschlandfunk Kultur 2020
duration: 53’35

listen to the radioplay here

