concerto ambulante #3 cachoeira
May, 2017
sounding sitations (Milena Kipfmüller & Klaus Janek) were invited to the sound art festival paisagem sonora 2017 in Cachoeira, Bahia. Due to weather conditions the route had to be changed and brought to equipment-safe conditions, under a big tend. Here are a few picture impressions of the performance.
III Paisagem Sonora
Concerto Ambulante ocupa as ruas de Cachoeira no III Paisagem Sonora. E o DJ André Urso participa do Clube da Radiola.Imagens + edição: Evanize EssiTrilha sonora: Claudio Manoel#paisagemsonorabahia
Posted by Paisagem Sonora on Mittwoch, 3. Mai 2017