idiocy and resistance – spring
May, 2016By the way, I want idiots to be the title of the interview. Not morality. But actually… Write idiots as the title! You’ll see that it looks so much better that way.
Lemmy Kilmister, frontman of the band Motörhead (†)
The live radio show continues! Packed with music, sandwiches, and contradicting experts from the academic and artistic fields, about life and all its margins. How boring the smoothness of functioning systems is, how glowing are the promises of idiots! On the path to the big conspiracy in the fall…
One thing is sure: the 8 o’clock news and the tuba version of “Felicità”. Still unknown: the guests and the outcome.
BY AND WITH Klaus Janek, Milena Kipfmüller, Jörg Lukas Matthaei and Carmen Köhler (analog astronaut), Jerome Segal (scientist, researching cybernethics in GDR), Adrian Navarro (baroque dance specialist, choreographer)
With friendly support by Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung. media partner: taz.die tageszeitung
may 19th, 2016, Kantine, Sophiensaele