June, 2018MUSRAROPERA is a mobile-radiophonic-opera developed in a historically charged quarter of Jerusalem, laying between fancy shops, the Palestinian area of Damuskus Gate and the ultraorthodox Mea Shearim. Musrara is a mirror of the city, Israel and the complexity of the Middle East, inhabited by people of divers cultural, religious and political backgrounds, keeping the explosive coexistence of the past in motion. Said this, the story recurs to the voices of this neighbourhood and their visions of the future – flanked by joyful kids speaking in Arabic, linking the here and there, the past and the coming.
In the post-truth time we strategically place this pre-truth opera as a fictive rehearsal and master training to transform the uncertain present. The unbalance between global north and global south, exported wars and Eurocentric perspective is revolving and will only be decided by our acts routed in a wide discourse around all near neighbourhoods. The voices are used as musical elements, composed and melted into a fictive disharmonic choir. A miniorchestra moves though the streets and is captured live and composed electronically into a big cast. The theatrical set is created by the usage of FM-Transmitters and Radios, everyday objects, aligned to the local and global discourses, framing the space to a movable, choreographed set design. The finale happens at a soccerfield, where games and fights are played, one wish against another, still friendly, still exhausting but playful.