brazil in june
June, 2016Milena Kipfmüller and myself created this music work out of a series of sonic object trouvees generated during the impeachement process of Dilma Roussef. It is the experiment of using very concrete verbal statements as music elements and compose them into a piece of music, expressing a very clear readable political opinion. It goes against the otherwise adopted practice in arts of turning subjective perception into a gerneralized abstracted information. Different emotional statements are overlayed. The basic layer is a conversation held on the phone between Renan Calheiros by then president of the
brazilian senat and Sergio Machado ex president of Transpetro, a company of Petrobrass (biggist oil company of Brazil) and member of parliament. The two talk about the law, who relief once guilt infront of the court when giving inside information about crime. They debate the possibility of retracking the law.
The music ends in the sonic situation of a favela boy declaming the famos poem ‘e agora José’, Carlos Drummond de Andrade. The poem is know by every brazilian. Its part of the cultural legacy. It talks about ‘the poor man’, symbol for the common bazilian man, being in a crisis and continuing, no matter what happen.