china tour
August, 2011with claudio rocchetti / featuring yan jun

august 15th: with Sephan Roach, Feng Hao, Liu Xinyu, Yan Jun at fukoshima project, Treescape Cafe, Beijing
august 17th: with Li Janhon (guitar), and VAVABOND (laptop), Yan Jun, 2kolegas bar, Beijing
august 18th: with Yan Jun’s living room tour at one’s audience home, Beijing
august 19th: with Torturing Nurse, Yan Jun, Li Xenhui, 696 Live, Shanghai
august 20th: with Ruan Quianrui (visuals), Yan Jun, Mein’er (film), Yan Jun, Li Xenhui, W+K, Shanghai
august 24th: with Li Xenhui, Freedom House, Changsha
august 26th: with Zenlu, Er Dao, Li Xenhui, lisao concert, cold tea, Shenzhen
august 27th: with Li Xenhui, WOOSA, Guangzhou
august 28th: with Sin:ned, ReRecord concert, Nerve Osage Open, Hong Kong
august 30th: Annexe Gallery, Kuala Lumpur
Three musicians from different backgounds meet in the intersection between acoustic, electroacoustiv and electronic sound qualities. Feedbacks, fieldrecordings and doublbass create the raw material, which in pure or processed form is transformed into soundscapes. From the aesthetic point of view soundresults from the 50ies connect with today. In the content the trio works with changing levels of abstraction who invite the audience to active listening, but not fatigue. Given the distinct backgrounds of the three musicians the musical language promises heterogenity and three dimensionality: noise, drown, low case, energy play, research, contemporary composition, Berlin – Peking – Bolzano.Supported by Senatskanzlei – Kulturelle Angelegenheiten Berlin,, Beijing, Italian Embassy Berlin and Istituto Culturale di Berlino. The tour resulted in two album releases: Hongkong Pavillion at Sin:ned Hongkong based label, rerecords and Reisenotizen aus dem land der Mitte, at the Kuala Lumpur based label, Herbal International