Bodies at work

« people seem to dance before they love » Jenny Holzer

A dance piece that should speak to everyone…allowing access to word, places and bodies. Time passes quickly, eyes drive ; time passes slowly, touch speaks. Space and breath construct the dance and bodies are exposed, humbly but playfully. Your choice of one of the three musical compositions to accompany this project: clarinets, contrebass or drums.

with Clara Cornil, Christophe Le Blay and Thierry Thieû Niang, dance
Mahi Grand, set design

A musician improvisator might be provided by each theater place as a meeting, an adventure… two days work together and performing.

with help from ACTO / théâtre de l’Olivier, Istres, Théâtre d’Evreux / Scène Nationale, ville de Chaumont, Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication,
Conseil Général des Bouches du Rhône

