Werkhalle Wiesenburg – P600


P600, the music project, utilises factors related to research into event-related potential (ERP) as a premise to create conceptual and graphic scores for music/sound. Consisting of three musicians and one sound director, P600 experiments with a range of acoustic, electro-acoustic, and acousmatic sound. Each musician acts as an independent sound source, but also sends an audio signal to a main mixer. The sound director manipulates and spatializes their sounds, via the mixer and quadraphonic loudspeakers, according to a score. This is equally inspired by Dub Reggae producers and Stockhausen, in that the mixer becomes an instrument.

P600 are: Luca Marini (drums), Klaus Janek (contrabass/electronics), William “Bilwa” Costa (electronics/objects), and Nicolas Wiese (sound direction/mixer/feedback)
