La Ronde Flamboyante

(Il)legitimate play by a son of colonialism
Companie MAPS / Théâtre de Liège en ligne

Based on the interviews and research that Emmanuel De Candido carried out in Sicily, the Democratic Republic of Congo and the island of Réunion, this fable with five characters tells the story of a debt. Within the aggressive context of capitalist globalisation, the company MAPS deciphers how macro-economic mechanisms are poisoning how we live together and disrupting lives. The writing borrows Schnitzler’s ‘round-dance’ principle and draws inspiration from the English psychological thriller and the Congolese art of story-telling.

With Benoit Van Dorslaer, Catherine Mestoussis, Sanders Lorena, Hakim Louk’man and Nadège Ouédraogo
Writing and dramaturgy Emmanuel De Candido
Directed by Olivier Lenel
Dramaturgical advice and assistant director Marie Diaby
Physical and choreographic work Anne-Cécile Chane-Tune
Lighting design and technical direction Clément Papin
Scenography Arnaud verley
Carine Duarte Costumes
Musical creation and sound system Milena Kipfmüller and Klaus Janek
Production MAPS Company
Co-production Dc & J Création, Théâtre de Liège, with the participation of the Center Culturel de Verviers

premiere april 24th, Theatre de Liege

